Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What Not To Say To Someone Who Is Single (Part I)

I know EVERYONE who is single has at one time or another had those absolutely fun, pleasant, completely unsolicited conversations with friends, acquaintances, and hey, COMPLETE STRANGERS about their love lives.  You attend a wedding without a date, at work in the break room everyone is talking about their girlfriend/boyfriend, spouse, or kids and you stay quiet, you're at a party making small talk with people and somehow someone inevitably finds out your single. No big deal right? Riiiiiight. Then someone well-meaningly annoyingly feels the need to help you out, to share their genius into all things relationship, to rescue you from your poor, pitiful, lonely, single state. YOU LUCKY DOG YOU. 
These are just some of the gems I have heard from people who are trying to save me from a life full of lonely nights, cat obsessions, netflix binging, and chocolate indulgence that will OBVIOUSLY be my future if I don't find myself a man STAT.

By the time I was your age I had already been married for (blank) years! / By the time I was your age I had (this many) kids!
-So, basically what you're telling me is that I am defective for reaching my age and not tying the knot or procreating? I didn't realize that opening my own business, excelling at my job, moving across country, completing vocational training, or supporting myself didn't count as "successes." My bad.

You should try harder
-Um, I am a little confused as to why you think I don't try in the first place? I guess suffering through all those blind dates, set ups, boyfriends, dating websites, and singles activities didn't count as trying. Whoops.

It will happen when you stop looking
-Didn't you just tell me to try harder?? I am sensing you have no idea what you're talking about.

(Blank) is the reason you don't have a boy/girlfriend
-Ooooooh. Oh ok. Wooow. Thanks. Thank you so much. I didn't realize THAT was the reason. That makes it so easy! Thank you so much, random citizen, that I just met/barely know for clearing that up for me. I'll change myself right away because you said so, and now I can sleep soundly at night because I can FINALLY catch a man.

I know that my brother's ex-girlfriends mother's trainer's florist is single! You'd be perfect together!
-I am really SO, so flattered to know that this person whom you do not even know is trustworthy enough to give my heart to.  Thank you for being willing to hand me off to a complete stranger so you can fix my singleness and feel good about the fact that you set us up. I mean it can't fail right?! We are both single so we CLEARLY have so much in common and are destined to be wed!

Since you don't have a boy/girlfriend you must have so much free time
-Yeah, I don't know how I stand myself with ALL my free time after I get done running my new business, working 2 other jobs, doing volunteer work, attending seminars, traveling, and living my life. There is just SO much time. And sleeping too, I get a lot of that.

I feel sorry for you, you must be so lonely
-Yes. Truly. Because I don't have a significant other that clearly means I have NO ONE in my life and that I am sad and lonely and miserable and depressed. I'll just sit here on my couch, and stuff my face with my seventh box of chocolates and re-watch every chick flick I've ever owned whilst I sob, pining for my true love.

Don't worry, someday you'll find your happily ever after
-So what you're saying is I can't be happy unless I am married, right?? Well dang I guess this smile I have on my face every day better go to heck because I'm not married and it isn't supposed to be around yet. How foolish of me.

You're just being too picky
-Silly me. I thought that after having my after having my heart broken severely by men who were lazy, unthoughtful, selfish, unromantic, cheating, lying BOYS that raising my standards to dating MEN who treat me well was a good thing. I guess I must have thought I was worth something, that I deserved to be treated better or something. I guess I should go back to dating the scum of the earth because that has worked so well before. And clearly settling is the way to go. I thought I eventually wanted a stable, healthy relationship and happiness. What was I thinking??? Psh...

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