Wednesday, May 28, 2014

He's Just Not That Into You

Has anyone ever seen the movie He's Just Not That Into You? Ok, if you haven't, and you are a female, and if you have ever dated or ever intend to date in the future, you need to NOW.
I remember the first time I watched it I felt pretty uncomfortable because I identified with a lot of the scenarios they portray in that movie. I remember it hitting me like a ton of bricks when Alex told Gigi that if a guy wants to be with you, call you, see you, etc, he will make the effort. No exceptions. It definitely hit a chord with me when I thought to myself of my current situation: being in an on and off again relationship with a guy who made little to no effort to be with me. He would say he would call, but never did. If we were texting, he would either wait hours to respond, or just did not do it at all. He "fit me into his schedule" whenever it suited him. Even if that meant me sitting on the couch and watching him and his friend play Halo for 3 hours. Real "quality" time there I tell ya *insert eye roll.*  I didn't want to believe that his behavior could just be for the plain and simple fact that
he was just not that into me, at least not enough to care/treat me like he did.

It's a very tough pill to swallow, but once you do it makes life so much better.  You no longer feel the need to wait by the phone hoping he will actually text you when he said he would. You no longer wonder why he isn't calling, you just say
 "Oh well, HIS LOSS," and move on.
Because you see, if you think about it, is that really the kind of relationship that you want?
To be somebody's back up? To only see them when it is convenient for them? For them to float in and out of your life as it pleases them? To be strung along? To be treated like your feelings don't matter? To get your hopes up that "he's changed" just for him to let you down AGAIN?
I don't think so!
I know, I am sad to say I accepted this treatment before. I convinced myself to stick with a guy who I had fallen for, but did not treat me well.  I always stuck around, hoping that he'd change, or what's worse, trying to change him. 
It took the final straw of him breaking my heart into a million pieces that I decided I deserved better. And so does everyone! 
If you find yourself making excuses about the behavior of someone you like to other people, or even to yourself, something is wrong.
You shouldn't have to make excuses for someone's mistreatment of you. There should be no mistreatment in the first place.
The simple truth is that if a guy is into you, he will get off his butt and make the effort that is required to date you. He will make the effort to see you. He will treat you with care and respect. He will keep promises. He won't string you along. He won't play games. He won't waste your time.
Your time and your feelings don't deserve to be wasted on somebody who doesn't treat you right.  It's that simple. Don't accept treatment that belittles you. Don't make excuses for someone's bad behavior. Walk away and find somebody who WILL treat you right.Period.

1 comment:

  1. I want to read the book sooo bad! And I love this post. It is so true- no girl should ever settle for less than what she wants. We're all princesses and we deserve to be treated like royalty! ;)
